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Ensure success with style!

Incorporating appropriate etiquette as well as presenting a professional appearance along with clear communication skills will enhance one’s career and boost dexterity needed to perform a task effectively. To “strike the right note” in business one should possess the ability to:

  • communicate with people on all levels
  • interact in a diversified number of business environments
  • manage effectively in challenging situations

korrekt! provides assistance to all those intending to enhance their appearance and style to assimilate into the modern business environment.

Modern Image Consulting

The appropriate appearance in business is not always inherent, it must be learned. It is possible to teach yourself by trial and error with moderate success. However, one rarely receives honest feedback from peers. An etiquette mistake in a business situation can be a deal breaker.

korrekt! addresses this very important issue by providing trainings and seminars. An essential part of today’s professional life is “RelationshipManagement”. With korrekt! you can achieve confidence in style and appearance and achieve social prestige with your colleagues and clients.

The first 100 days on the job

Future Softskills for IT-Consultants

5 hacks for business behaviour

General Rules

  • The right salutation, handshake - your first impression
  • Addressing and introducing people correctly
  • Conversation and communication skills – small talk
  • Professional dress code and business casual

Competence Lunch

  • Seating arrangements
  • Silverware and glass handling
  • Beverages
  • Modern smoking rules
  • Table manners
  • "difficult" dishes

Hints for Workdays

  • Telephone manners and cellular etiquette
  • E-mail, correspondence
  • Hosting international business partners at your company
  • Meeting preparation: from the agenda to the minutes of meeting
  • Meaning and aim of business dinners
  • Inviting and accepting of invitations
  • Traps of behaviour

Target Groups:

Entrepreneurs, CEOs, members of the board, managers as well as young professionals and those intending to test and improve their personal appearance.


Trainer input, group work & presentation, role-play, interactive business check as introduction for each topic, business lunch/dinner in an executive ambience.


On request!

You would like to have your employees trained in a group? You wish to integrate the seminar into your "Employee Orientation Program"? Your goals and business aims are the basis of our work. Your benefit is our objective.

Each program is customized to your business culture and environment.

Inhouse Seminar (english)
Doing Business
in Germany

You have already met blunt, inflexible, always on time and totally humorless Germans? Then you have encountered some stereotypes as well as plenty of truths. Yet, working in …

Inhouse Seminar (english)
Benefit from the diversity
of your team

Today, diversity and collaborative working are hot topics in business. Within your own company, at the supplier or with customers you are faced with different cultural backgrounds.

Copyright 2024 korrekt! Anke Quittschau & Christina Tabernig GbR – All rights reserved.